# Due Dates

Walling brings clarity to your work by offering you a unique visual experience to manage and track the progress of your ideas and tasks. The visual experience helps you see clearly what needs to be done and when it's due to stay on top of everything.

You can set a due date to any brick or a checklist item inside a brick.

# How to set a due date

  • To set a due date to a brick, click the due date icon at the bottom of the brick, or click the brick options icon and select Due date.
  • To set a due date to a checklist item, click the item options icon and select Due date.

# Notify wall members

When you set a new due date, it will be assigned to you by default, but you can notify other wall members by clicking on Notify inside the due date menu.

Assigning a due date to a wall member adds the brick to the member's Assigned tab, and they will also receive phone, email and in-app notifications if you set a reminder.

# Set a reminder

To add time to your due date and set a reminder, switch on the Include time & reminder option inside the due date menu. Walling will send phone push notifications, email notifications and in-app notifications to the due date assignees if you set a reminder.

# Remove due date

To remove a due date, click on the due date and click Clear at the bottom of the due date menu.

# All your due dates in one place

You can view all your due dates from different walls in one place inside the Assigned tab.